Santorum Samples Vol. 2

Santorum Samples (previously Santorum Bites) are passages from Rick Santorum’s It Takes a Family. They are deliberately taken out of context in an attempt to show that Mr. Santorum is a rational human being. Because we all know that when viewed in context, Rick Santorum is a jackass. Find more samples here or by clicking the Santorum Bites tab above.

From page 128:

The so-called sexual liberation of the late 1960s took hold in society, I believe, because of two principal factors: the legalization of abortion, which started in the late 1960s and culminated with Roe v. Wade in 1973, and – for low-income women – the availability of abortion plus the financial safety net provided by government welfare. The data are clear that welfare enabled out-of-wedlock childbirth (because the financial and, over time, social consequences – i.e., shame – were not as devastating) and, conversely, made marriage unnecessary.

Lessons learned:
1.Low-income women were a major cause of whatever Rick Santorum calls the “sexual liberation of the late 1960s.”
2. Welfare recipients need a way bigger dose of devastating shame. Then maybe they’d stop banging each other before they get married.
3. Fucking poor people.

Santorum Samples

Santorum Samples (previously Santorum Bites) are passages from Rick Santorum’s It Takes a Family. They are deliberately taken out of context in an attempt to show that Mr. Santorum is a rational human being. Because we all know that when viewed in context, Rick Santorum is a jackass. Find more samples here.

We got rid of our broken sofa, so now that Mr. Santorum’s book is no longer serving its primary function, I had to do something with it. Waste not, want not.

From page 140:

This is what happens when you have enough faith in everybody to rise and take responsibility for their lives and to make the right choices. With welfare reform, the government stopped enabling destructive behavior. We changed the paradigm for unmarried women: having children no longer means life-long government support, but rather (as it should) work and sacrifice.

Lessons learned:
1. For unmarried women, having children out of wedlock is “destructive behavior.”
2. Your government has decided that such “destructive behavior” will (as it should) be punished by “work and sacrifice.”
3. Presumably, you will still be taxed by your government for your work.
4. You’re welcome!